Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 8

Today was considered our first day off. We visited the local aquarium. We really didn't know what to expect but it was pretty nice. The highlight was seeing a trained sea lion dancing to the song "Gangnam Style". 

Not sure if Annie Kate enjoyed the sea lion show as much as us but she did great on the trip.

We are both pretty tired of our hotel room. We are blessed to be in such a nice hotel but eating the same food and seeing the same scenery is starting to get to us. We really miss home.

We are looking forward to flying to Guangzhou on Saturday. This will be our last stop before heading home. Thanks for the continued prayers.


  1. Look at her smile and she likes wearing bows! Praying for you! I know your boys must be missing you. Love, Meredith

  2. Such a sweetie 💕💕 miss you!

  3. Love the pictures can't wait till you guys get home!🇨🇳

  4. We love you guys- you're halfway home!!! Annie Kate is adorable. We think the bows get bigger with each day, a true Southern girl! Can't wait to see y'all. Love you.

  5. The trip to Guangzhou will break up the trip a little bit. Soak in all of the sights and sounds! Looks like you are getting to do some fun stuff. Annie Kate is ADORABLE and I can't wait to see her in person. Praying you more week! (I completely understand the monotony of the hotel room and food.) Hang in there! (:

  6. The pictures are adorable! It will be exciting to meet her in person! We have been praying daily for you all! Tucker keeps us updated as well and likes it when I show the pictures of the blog. We have been reading some stories on adoption from the school library as well. :)
