Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Travel date!!!

  China here we come!!
 We got our travel approval on September 26th!! We are leaving on October 14th at 10am.
 "We're leaving on a jet plane don't know when we'll be back again"
Actually, we do know but I like that song. We will return on October 30th. Our gotcha day will be Monday, October 19th. We can't wait to hold and kiss our sweet baby girl!!! Here are a few recent photos of Annie Kate.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our journey of bringing home Annie Kate...

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act?  Does he promise and not fulfill?"  Numbers 23:19

After 18 months of praying for a miracle, God fulfilled our prayer!! We have a baby girl, Annie Kate. She was born on October 27, 2014 weighing under 3 lbs and what a sweet little princess she is.

 She arrived at Harmony House 3 months later where she began to receive wonderful care and love. What a gift it is to know that our Father has loved her so much!!!  Little Annie Kate has had a rough start but is catching up quite well. She was born premature and has some birth marks on her back. She could also have some other health issues as well but we are praying that God will heal her precious little body. 

As we wait for travel approval all we can do is pray. God is so good and faithful. He has held our hands through this process and I'm amazed at his love for all of his children! We pray for Annie Kate to accept our love. We pray for God to put his arms of protection around her and keep her healthy and safe.